Blue Prism Interview Questions 2024

Last Updated: January 18, 2024

If you are searching for RPA Blue Prism interview question and answer for freshers and experienced? We at EmergenTeck created top BluePrism interview question and answers which will helpful for freshers, beginners and experienced. These blueprism questions and answers have been created by BP certified industry experts. In this blog we will provide you the valuable insights on RPA blueprism interview questions.

Table of content:

  • Basics to advanced topics on BluePrism
  • Detailed questions for freshers and experienced candidates
  • RPA BP interview questions with use case examples
  • Blue prism Interview questions & answers on scenarios
  • Tutorial videos with industry experts

1) What is RPA?

RPA stand for Robotic Process Automation. In a nutshell it refers to mimicking human actions or automating the manual steps using a software bot . The process will run in the same way but without any human intervention.

2) Which processes can be automated, and which cannot?

The most ideal candidate for automation are the processes which are stable , and don’t change too frequently . Along with that the frequency of the process should be sufficient enough so that its worth investing licensing fee and development efforts to get good return on investment.

3) What can be the disadvantages of RPA?

There is no disadvantage as such for RPA. But we need to remember that any RPA process can only be as fast as underlying infrastructure. For ex- If the underlying application is not stable , buggy and freezes frequently , then the performance of the automation would not be as expected.

4) What are various documents that are involved in the RPA process lifecycle.

Below are some documents which might be created as a part of RPA Development lifecycle

Process Definition Doc (PDD) – It basically contains the information about the process which is going to be developed by the developer
Functional Requirements Questionnaire
Solution Design Doc (SDD) — The SDD contains the overall solution architecture of the whole automation which would be developed by developers.

5) What is Object Studio and Process studio in BluePrism?

Object Studio –In object studio you create business objects . The objects or BO contain the logic to interact with any application require for the flow . For ex- Desktop App, MS Excel etc.
Process studio – The process contains the flow for the business logic and all the objects are called in process as per the required logic

What is Object Studio and Process studio in BluePrism

6) What are the stages that are extra in Object Studio as compared to process studio?

There are 5 Stages which are present only in object studio – read, write, navigate, wait, code.

7) Apart from stages what are the things that are extra in Object Studio?

There are some features present only in Object studio for ex

  • Application modeler
  • Launch Tab.
  • Initialization and clean up Tab . The initialize and clean up are not present in process.

8) Which stage is in Process studio and not in Object studio?

There is one stage which is preset in Process studio only and that is Alert stage Using Alert stage you can show small alerts which would be visible in the bottom right corner in task bar.

9) What are the advantages of creating Multiple Objects in the object layer?

Below are some advantages of creating multiple objects in object layer

  • It makes it easy to divide the development work among the members of the team.
  • It makes the object light weight
  • It become easier to apply any fix/ enhancement in the future.

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10) What is the use of wait stage?

The wait stage serves 2 purposes – You can use it to put logic in place so that the flow would move forward only when the condition specified in the wait stage is met within the time duration specified. You can use it to absorb latency in the flow. The other use of wait stage is to put a delay in the flow without any condition specified in the wait stage.

11) What is a throttle in BluePrism?

If you are using a wait stage in the flow , without specifying any condition, then its called throttling . The flow would mandatorily wait for the time duration specified . Ideally it’s not advised ,but sometimes it might be required.

12) What are the different spy modes?

  • Windows 32
  • UI automation mode
  • Active Accessibility
  • Browser mode ( Used to be called HTML mode earlier )
  • There are some other mode too like JAVA mode , SAP mode which only appear when you are automating the specific applications .

13) What are the three sections in the Control room?

Below are three sections available in Control Room
Session Management – You can use it to to see the details of the running process
Queue management – Here you can see the details of all work queues present in the environment .
Scheduler – You can use this to see and create schedules as required

14) What needs to be unticked for the attributes captured by application modeler?

As per the standard best practice, any attribute which is dynamic in nature should be unticked . For ex- IDs, URls Otherwise it might create issues.

15) What is the part of blueprism that interacts with the target system?

Before you interact with any application you have to create Application modeller in which you have to fill various details like Application type , application path etc.

16) What is Control room?

Control room is one of the tabs in Blueprism Interactive client. Using control room you can view the details of sessions, monitor work queues  and view/update schedules.

17) How Will You Bring The Screen To Focus?

As per the best practice , we need to ensure that before sending the keyboard input to any application Activate it using Navigate stage.

18) What is the use of Attach?

In case you don’t want to open a new instance of an application , you can attach to a running instance using Attach action in Navigate stage.

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19) How to deal with pop ups?

As per the best practice , a separate object should be created for a popup to interact with.

20) What is the Difference between Global center click and Global mouse click?

  • Global mouse click would require 2 additional parameters – X and Y coordinates
  • Global mouse click centre would click in center of the specified element

21) Where the max retry attempt is set ?

While creating a queue you can also define the MAX retry number in System Tab

22) How the retry attempts work?

If the item is marked for retry then it would be copied and added to the work queue to be retried again , in case it’s marked as exception.

23) From where you can get the Attempt number of a particular case/item?

When you use Get Next item action in Work queues, you will get attempts as Output.

24) What is resource and session in BluePrism?

  • A process running on a machine is called session
  • A machine with Blueprism runtime resource installed is called resource.

25) What are the different ways of stopping a process thru control room?

There are 2 ways to stop a process.

  • Immediate Stop
  • Request Stop ( It will work only if safe stop is implemented inside the flow)

26) What is release manager used for?

The release manager provides the functionality to create release ( file with extension .bprelease ) so as to allow to deploy the automation across different environments. First you create a package in which you include different components of the automation . For ex- process, objects , Work queue , environment variables etc. Then from that package you can create releases.

27) What you mean by Run Mode?

Run mode is an object level functionality which allows you to specify how many instances of a process can run on same machine .
There are 3 runmodes – Foreground , Background , Exclusive.

28) What is step in, step over and step out?

These are different ways you can use to debug a process
Step in – It will run one action at a time — Shortcut key is F11
Step over – It will run one stage at a time – Shortcut key is F10
Step out – It will run process at a time — Shift+F11

29) What is the difference between Global send key and Global send key events?

Global send key –Send Keys are used to communicate key strokes to the application specified in the App modeller.
Global Send key event– It is used to communicate the key strokes to the OS

30) How you can configure a safe stop within your process?

A safe stop within our process can be included by using the inbuilt Environment function Is Stop Requested() within a Decision stage.If the Request stop has been clicked in the control room , then this function would return true.

31) What is Match Index and match Reverse?

When Match index is selected, blueprism would work with the item found in sequence equal to the index number specified and which matches all the attributes of element.
If Match Reverse is selected then the element search would happen from the bottom to the too. Instead of top to bottom order rather than the default top-down order.

32) What is code stage?

A code stage allows you to run your own custom code in C# , VB, J#. You can specify input output data item in it.

33) What Is Use of a Block In Exception Handling?

A Block used in exception handling allows you to limit the scope of Recover stage to a specific set of stages. It helps to prevent infinite loop.

34) What is status in terms of queue items?

The status icon a work queue item tells you the present state of an item . It tells you if the item is in pending state, Completed , Locked or Markd as exception.

35) What is the use of tags?

Tags are one of feature which is like adding additional metadata to the work queue items. For ex – You can add tags to identify the source of data . For ex- from CSV file , from Spreadsheet , etc.

36) What is Deferred field?

In case you don’t to process items immediately after adding to the queue , you can defer the items . The items will remain in pending state till the defer time duration timestamp has elapsed. No process would be able to pick these items till then.

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37) How to get pending deferred items?

In order to get the reports from Work queue for various items You can use Get Report data .Based on your requirement you can specify the flags in the parameters.

38) What are the different Data item exposure?

There are 3 choices available for Data items exposure

  • Static variable
  • environment variable
  • session variable

39) What is Environment variable?

Environment variables provide a convenient way to create some global data items which can be accessed by all processes . You can create them by going to System Tab. In this way you can change value in one place and all processes can take the updated value from environment variable. You cant change the value of EV from process.

40) What is Session variable?

Session variable as the name suggests are specific to the session of a process.You can modify its value when the session is running and the updated value would be immediately available to the flow.

41) What is environment Locking?

Environment locking is a functionality so that when multiple bots are running same process then to prevent deadlock , and duplicity of the data an environment lock should be in place. Only the bot which has got the lock first will proceed and rest of the bots will wait .

42) What is priority?

When adding items to the queue , you can also define the priority of  an item .The priority defines the sequence in which the item would be picked for processing. The lower the number , higher the priority. It’s an input parameter in Add item to queue action.

43) What is Global Variable in Code Stage in BluePrism?

These are the variables which would be available to all pages in the object.

44) What will happen if the no completed/exception is set in the process?

If this happens then all the Items which are locked for processing would be marked as exception in the Work queue with tag Exception marked for cleanup.

45) What is Work queue in Blue Prism?

It is central repository for storing the data to be processed. You can add data to queue in the form of a collection. It helps to divide the workload among different resources. Once the item is locked by one process, other processes wont be able to pick the same item. You can use Get Next item to pick one row from the work queue.

46) What is the credential manager?

Credential Manager is the functionality which allows you to save credentials securely in an encrypted form . You can restrict the access based on resource , user , process.

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47) What the Main page on Process studio should have?

As per the best practices from Blueprism , The main page should have high level steps broken into different sub pages in the process. On the main page all the sub pages are called as per the business logic .

48) How to expose API using blueprism?

If you want to expose an object as webservice , You need to go to Systems tab

49) To ensure any sensitive data held within the queue is managed, what should you do?

Make sure the queue is encrypted and don’t make any confidential value as key in the queue as it’s value would be visible.

50) What are unworked items in BluePrism?

The items still in the pending state (denoted by … in the status column ) can be called as unworked items . This means they are still yet to be picked up for processing by any process.

51) Explain about exception handling in BluePrism?

Exception handling refers to putting the logic in place for allowing the process to recover from any exception which has occurred in the flow Using a combination of Recover, Resume and block stage we can implement exception handling in our flow.

52) What Is The Use Of Recover Stage In BluePrism?

A recover stage is used to catch exception in the flow . Ideally recover stage is used along with Resume which would neutralize the exception.

53) What is Preserve the type and detail of the current exception in BluePrism?

This is one option available in Exception stage . If you want the actual exception to be preserved and  bubble up in the flow ,then you can tick that option.

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RPA UiPath Interview Questions And Answers:

54) How do you check if the object is attached to the application?

If the application is already attached , then attaching it again can cause issues . To prevent that you can check if the application is attached to the App modeller by using a Is connected action in a Read Stage in an object .

55) How can you include data item in an expression?

The syntax to use a data item in an expression is to enclose it in Square brackets .

56) How can you include collection field in an expression?

If you want to use any collection field in any expression , you can call it using [CollectionName.Field] syntax.

57) What is Login Agent?

Login agent is out of the box object provided in Blueprism which allows you to login to any resource in case it is logged off and multiple other functionalities related to user account and login on a resource machine.

58) From where one can change the value of environment Variables?

To change the value of an environment variable you need to go to System tab

59) What is Dynamic Element?

A dynamic element is an element in App modeller , which has one of the attributes which can take external value supplied in the flow.

60) How to add a Delay Process in Process Studio?

To add delay in process studio you can use action Utilitie-Genral VBO >Sleep action. You can specify the duration is seconds.

61) Suppose we have 2 items pending in WQ with priority 0 and 1. Ideally when we do GetNextItem item with 0 priority will be picked first, but in this case item with priority 1 is getting picked 1st. please explain is it possible?

This is possible only if the item with Priority 0 is in deferred state . It would be picked only after the deferred time duration has elapsed.

62) What is the Internal exception in blue prism?

‘Internal exception refers to exception generated by Blueprism internally.

63) What are ExceptionDetail() and ExceptionType()?

These are functions used for storing the exception detail and type whenever any exception has occurred in the flow. You can use them between Recover and resume stage.

64) Explain Login agent.

Login agent allows us to login into windows or unlock without acquiring someone to the enter the credentials.

65) Explain Multi Bot.

Multibot architecture is mainly used when one bot would be unable to service the requests within SLA. Hence multiple resource machines are used to paralelly process the load.

In order to properly implement Multibot architecture , there should be environment locking in place in the flow , so that I would make sure that not all bots would start working simultaneously.

For ex- Lets assume you are going to add items from an excel spreadsheet to work queue and then process them . If you are going to run it on multiple bots then you need to make sure that only that bot which has got the environment token would first add the source data to the queue , while other bots would wait for it to complete.

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66) What are the internal business objects?

There are some business objects which need not to be installed separately . These are called Internal business objects .Collections, Work Queues, Calendars, Credentials, environment locking and Encryption.

67) is it possible to add a collection to an environment variable?

Right now its not possible to add a collection to an ev var.

We hope you find these questions valuable. If you have any further questions that you would like answered, please contact us here:

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